Dear friends and supporters of the USCT data exchange and collaboration project,

Please take note of the upcoming event:

USCT Data Challenge 2019 and Panel Discussion at the SPIE Medical Imaging meeting in San Diego (
on Sunday, February 17, 5:45 to 7:45 pm.

We would like to introduce and kick-off a new USCT Data Challenge with synthetic waveform data using numerical phantoms. In this panel, we discuss how to objectively evaluate and compare reconstruction algorithms and imaging protocols as well as the acquisition systems included in the data challenge and data access.

All interested researchers are invited to benchmark different imaging algorithms in terms of the quality of the reconstruction and computational efficiency in a blind test. This will enable the USCT community to collect best practices and relevant background information on various imaging techniques.

The results of the USCT Data Challenge 2019 will be presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Medical Ultrasound Tomography (MUST) in Detroit in Fall 2019.

We hope to see many of you there.

Best regards,
the USCT data exchange and collaboration team